Fireside Insights

Jul 5, 20172 min

Get Back into the Work Mindset: 10 Tips to Help You Refocus after a Vacation

Returning to work after a vacation can be mentally challenging. You’ve just spent a tremendous amount of time relaxing and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things. While some people are able to make this transition easily, others of us may find this more difficult to do. In order to help you make it through the week, we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips to help you get back on track at work.

  1. Start slowly. Don’t overwhelm your brain by jumping into things too quickly.

  2. Revisit any priorities you noted prior to leaving for vacation and take the time to reorganize them if necessary.

  3. Create a to-do list. This goes hand-in-hand with prioritizing. Create a list of all of the things you need to tackle in order to mentally prepare yourself for what’s ahead.

  4. There are several apps that have meditation features just for focusing. Engage in a quick meditation session to help you return to the mental state you need to excel at work.

  5. Engage with coworkers. Sometimes a simple conversation can wake your brain up. A pleasant conversation with one of your coworkers may be just what you need.

  6. Get those endorphins flowing to get into your happy place, clear your mind, and create space for the work ahead.

  7. Go out for lunch. Rather than eating lunch at your desk, grab a colleague and head out for lunch. This is a great way to get a nice change of scenery as well as a mental break. Since you spent the last couple of days on vacation, it may be hard to concentrate while sitting at your desk for an entire day.

  8. Listen to music. If it’s allowed in your workplace, plug in your headphones and listen to music that will help you focus. Studies have shown that playing the right music while working can help alleviate stress without taking your mind away from the task at hand.

  9. Think about your next vacation. This may seem like an unconventional recommendation since you have just returned from vacation, but taking a bit of time to think about your next break may help to motivate you to work hard so that you can play even harder in the future.

  10. When all else fails, an extra shot of espresso is never a bad option.

#Focus #Professional #Meditate #work #Mindset #Career